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企 业 名 称:上海笠叶工贸有限公司

所 属 网 库:家居网库

联 系 人:凤朝阳先生

员 工 人 数:11 - 50 人

主 营 产 品:服装生产加工 包袋生产加工 坐垫生产加工 专利伞生产销售 雨伞生产销售 广告伞生产销售 日本青木代理 大阪冷研代理 川口工业代理 塑料制品加工 机械制品加工

公 司 地 址:中国 上海 上海市 857 Bei Baoxin Rd Shanghai

联 系 电 话:86-21-55610059

邮 政 编 码:200083

公 司 传 真:86-21-65920347

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:私营独资企业 ;经销批发

主 营 行 业:服装加工 装饰用纺织品 雨具、太阳伞 机械零部件加工 家居用品加工 制冷设备


    上海笠叶工贸有限公司 纺织品部: 公司服饰厂专业生产各类出口休闲类服装、时装,拥有RISAN之服饰及相关产品的品牌。另比较擅长制造各类轻质的包袋、围裙、座垫等产品。欢迎各外贸公司及外商客户前来订货。 塑料资材部: 提供日本青木固、大阪冷研、川口工业的各类吹、注塑机械及关连模温控配套设备。 专业制造各类伞产品,拥有多项新颖伞的专利技术,为各外贸公司提供出口至各大洲国家的对口伞产品。 设计制造工业及民用的各类塑料制品及机械加工产品。 The Department of Textile Products With self-owned factories, the Company produces all types of clothing, aprons, cushions, lightweight bags and other sewed products with the distinguished features of high quality products and prompt delivery of goods. The Department of Plastics and Materials The Company can process and manufacture all types of industrial or commodity chemical products and metal products ranging from designing, sampling, producing to exporting. The Company also deals with the businesses of making umbrellas, including parasol (UV protection umbrellas), normal umbrellas and special umbrellas. It has patents of new umbrella models and is particularly good at designing and making umbrellas for advertising functions. Shanghai RIYE Industrial LTD. provides all types services such as processing and manufacturing, selecting and purchasing materials as well as arranging import and export for and on behalf of overseas customers. It is a company that provides various services to foreign companies. The specialized businesses of the Company: * Agent for selling and distributing foreign goods * Manufacturing cloth products * Purchasing and making umbrellas * Processing chemical and metal products
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