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企 业 名 称:深圳市百盛优利进出口有限公司

所 属 网 库:深圳家居网库

联 系 人:keehot hwang黄奇和先生

员 工 人 数:未知

主 营 产 品:国际货运代理

公 司 地 址:中国 广东 深圳市罗湖区 深南东路2098号

联 系 电 话:86-0755-82290663

电 子 邮 箱:mzrsrc@126.com

邮 政 编 码:518000

公 司 传 真:86-755-82299909

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:有限责任公司 ;经销批发

主 营 行 业:床垫 其他卧室家具 沙发 其他客厅家具


    深圳市百盛优利进出口公司是一家主要经营家具贸易为主,同时经营全球的空运与海运物流业务的进出口公司,主要商品出口到南美、非洲、澳洲等地…… 我公司是一家专门从事物流货运业务的企业。全面经营货柜运输、集运业务以及全套后勤服务。承办海运和空运进出口货物的订舱,配载,仓储,中转,集装箱装箱,报关,报验,保险及集装箱门到门联运业务,并可提供各种船舶动态,运价等海运信息和咨询业务。 Our company specialize in logistics and freight transportation.Our business mainly covers container transportation and other logistics services at full range. We provide ocean export and air export services which including space booking,distribution,warehousing, transshipment, containers’consolidation, customs declaration, quarantine, insurance and H/H combined transportation. We also provide various of ship movement service, freight rate, maritime information as well as consultation service. 我公司的优势航线有中东印巴线、日本线、欧美线、中南美线、东南亚线、……。我们的客户遍及全国各地,包括众多的厂家和代理贸易公司。我公司的海外代理遍布全球几十个国家,业已形成了一个强大的海外代理网络,保证你的货物运输得到全程安全的保护。 We keep the advantages on the lines to the Middle East, India & Pakistan, Japan, Europe & America, Central & South America and Southeast Asia. We have a great number of clients from all over China including many factories and trading company agents. We also have overseas agents from many countries of the world. This strong network enables us to provide a safe transportation to your cargo. 我公司在港区附近有面积约4000平方米的仓库,硬件设施一流,仓库人员尽心尽责,保证您的货物安全,放心的出运。我司与众多船公司及报关行,港区都有良好的关系,所以无论在运价及操作上,我司均能提供一流的服务。 Our company has a large warehouse with 4,000 sq.m. The warehouse is close to the harbor area and is equipped with topflight facilities. Our staff are conscientious. These guarantee a safe transportation of your cargo. We have good cooperation with many carriers, customs brokers and harbor administration which help us to provide our clients with quality service and competitive price.
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网评:4453965733 深圳市百盛优利进出口有限公司 深圳市罗湖区东门街道深南东路深圳市富丽华大酒店2715室.. 不予显示 4453965732 深圳永鑫制衣有限公司。
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